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Engineering Camp in a Box Training Guide

This guide is meant to help the facilitator understand the structure, implementation, and benefits of ADI Design Challenges. By the end of this guide, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to:

  1. Understand the foundational principles of the ADI instructional model for engineering in grades 3 – 8.
  2. Implement structured ADI Design Challenges in classrooms, after-school programs, and STEM camps.
  3. Create STEM learning experiences that are engaging, rigorous, and accessible to all students.

View the Guide

Elementary Engineering Design Challenges

STEM Camp Lesson Plans

Middle School Engineering Design Challenges

STEM Camp Lesson Plans

Design Challenge Videos

Helpful Videos

  • Kit Preparation | Earthquake Resistant Building

  • Teaching with ADI - Idea Stage Reading Scaffolds

  • Teaching with ADI - Creating Investigation Proposals

  • Argumentation Session, 7th Graders

Keys to the Learning Hub

Short videos about using the online application.

  • Keys to the ADI Learning Hub | Episode 1: Getting Started

  • Keys to the ADI Learning Hub | Episode 2: Presentation Mode

  • Keys to the Learning Hub | Episode 3: Grading Student Work

  • Keys to the ADI Learning Hub | Episode 4: "I'm Stuck" Feature

  • Keys to the ADI Learning Hub | Episode 5: Insights Feature

  • Keys to the ADI Learning Hub | Episode 6: Viewing Submissions

  • Keys to the ADI Learning Hub | Episode 7: Peer Review

  • Keys to the ADI Learning Hub | Episode 8: Exploring the Learning Hub Investigation Library