ADI Online Investigation Spotlight

  • We took a group of students through the High School Biology "Predator-Prey Relationships" Investigation in our new ADI Online Platform (powered by Eduflow) and were so impressed with their work that we wanted to show it off! The guiding question for this investigation was "How many wolves should be released, and when should the be released in the Pyramid Lake region to ensure that the wolf and sheep populations will be able to coexist?". To answer this question, the students used a simulation to learn about the relationship between the different organisms and the ecosystem's carrying capacity for each organism. Below you will find 2-3 students samples for each part of the process including creating and critiquing the investigation proposal, argument board, and lab report. You can navigate to the new pictures in each section using the left and right arrows.

Investigation Proposal & Collecting Data

Argumentation Session & Feedback Online

Student Peer Review & Reflection of Lab Reports